You are here: Raigi > Company > History
History of RAIGI in a few words:
1965: Founding of the company
1971: Construction of the factory in Arbouville (80 km south of Paris)
1973: Launch of the formulating business for underground cable junctions
1976: Launch of industrial subcontracting in polyurethanes
1989: Purchase of RAIGI SA by Shell Chimie
1997: Start of production of GPL cylinders (Le Cube)
2001: Purchase of RAIGI by Jean-Louis BARRIOL
2005: Launch of R&D activities in rotomoulding
2006: Launch of R&D activities in the hydrogen (cylinder) segment (patent)
2008: Launch of PORTER, a project for POlyurethane Rotomoulded TEchnology Raigi, financed by Oseo
2009: Production launch of rotomoulded F1 blocks as safety elements for car racing circuits
2010: Purchase of Inax International, car steering wheel manufacturing
2012: Closing of acquisition of RAIGI, via SIBH, by Alexandra PERRIER-BARRIOL and Olivier PERRIER.
2013: Divestment of the subsidiary in Tunisia and repatriation of the polyurethanes business to France
2015: Merger and integration of the Inax International subsidiary
2015: Completion of consolidation; the company resumes growing its formulating business
2016: Factory automation programme started (2016 / 2018).
2017: Opening of an office in Germany